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Hojas De Luz

El Libro De Los Espiritus

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Algunas enseñanzas basicas del Espiritismo: -Dios es la inteligencia suprema y la causa primera de todas las cosas. Es eterno, inmutable, inmaterial, unico, omnipresente, soberanamente justo y bueno. -El universo es creacion de Dios. Abarca todos los seres racionales e irracionales, animados e inanimados, materiales e inmateriales. -Mas alla del mundo corporal, morada de los espiritus encarnados que somos los seres humanos, existe el mundo espiritual, donde estan los espiritus desencarnados. / Of the five fundamental books that comprise the Spiritist Codification, The Spirits Book was the first one that compiled all the teachings of high order spirits (the Spirits) through mediums the world over. It is the landmark of a doctrine that has had a great impact on the thought and life view of a considerable portion of humankind since 1857, when the first French edition was released. It is divided into four parts and has 1,019 questions asked by Allan Kardec, the Codifier of Spiritism. It rationally and logically presents the teachings of Spiritism in their scientific, philosophical and religious aspects. No matter what the religious convictions or beliefs of the reader are, reading The Spirits Book will be of immense value for everyone, for it addresses the issues of God, the immortality of the soul, the nature of spirits and their relations with human beings, moral laws, our present and future lives and the future of humankind - subjects of general interest and great practicality.

Allan Kardec


Hojas De Luz

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