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Gorila Razan, El

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A sensitive toad that loves singing to the Moon every night is expelled from the jungle by the chief gorilla, who finds the toads singing very annoying. Ironically, in the end it is the chief gorilla himself who sets off to find the toad and ask him to come back. Cae la noche sobre la selva y la luna brilla en todo su esplendor. Mientras los animales se preparan para domir, un sapo inicia su serenata nocturna. El bello croar arrulla el sueño de todos, excepto el del jefe gorila Razan quien, furioso ante tal interrupcion, decide expulsar al molesto cantor. La unilateral medida, sin embargo, enfada a los demas animales quienes deciden actuar.

Maria Luisa Silva



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